Good Phrases for Peace and Love
I introduce a few good phrases for peace and love.
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 1.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness,
a tender look which becomes a habit.
- Havelock Ellis -
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 2.
We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Anonymous -
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 3.
Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
- Seneca -
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 4.
No one else like you.
- Begin Again OST -
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 5.
If man does find the solution
for world peace it will be the most
revolutionary reversal of his record
we have ever known.
- George C. Marshall -
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 6.
What is the meaning of love?
Love means life and peace.
God, the Creator of all things, is love.
And those who are born of God love
one another because they have been
created by God, who is love.
- Man Hee Lee, Father of Peace -
사랑이란 무엇을 말한 것인가?
사랑은 생명과 평화를 뜻한다.
만물을 창조하신 하나님은 사랑이시고,
사랑이신 하나님이 창조하셨기 때문에
하나님께로서 난 자는 다 서로 사랑한다.
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 7.
The night refers to the darkness
that people cannot see,
the time people sleep.
Peace comes by being saved
through the truth.
- Man Hee Lee, Father of Peace -
빛인 진리의 말씀이 없으면 캄캄한 밤이고,
밤은 보이지 않는 어둠이며 자는 때이다.
진리로 구원받음으로 평화가 된다.
Good Phrases for Peace and Love 8.
As can be seen in John 1:1-5,
God was with the Word since the beginning.
God is where the Word is;
God’s Word can be found in the place where God is.
The Word is God.
It is life, light, love, truth,
and peace.
- Man Hee Lee, Father of Peace -
요한복음 1:1-5에서 본바,
하나님은 태초의 말씀과 함께하셨다.
말씀이 있는 곳에 하나님이 계시기 때문이며,
하나님이 계시기에 하나님의 말씀이 거기서 나오는 것이다.
이 말씀이 곧 하나님이요, 생명이며, 빛이고,
사랑이며, 진리이고, 평화이다.