Thursday, May 29, 2014

You know better than i lyrics - YouTube (Joseph the dreamer's song)

I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here
So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear
Chorus 1:
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For You know better than I
If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing
I don't know is part of getting through
I tried to do what's best
But faith has made it easy
To see the best thing i can do
Is to put my trust in You.
Chorus 2
For, You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For You know better than I
I saw one cloud and thought it was a sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was You who taught that bird to fly
If i let You reach me
Will You teach me.
(Repeat Chorus )
For, You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
I'll take what answers you supply
You know better than I

♥ 이집트왕자 요셉 이야기 가사

옳은일을 한줄 알았어요
해답을 아는줄 알았어요
확실한 길을 걷는줄 알았지만 여기까지 왔어요
그래서 당신을 이기려하고 당신께 명령을 내렸지만
포기한 이 순간에서야 진리를 깨닫게 되었어요
당신은 저보다 지혜롭잖아요
이유를 알고 싶은 마음도 없습니다
당신이 저보다 지혜로우니까요
지금까지 시험이었다면 전 이유를 모르잖아요
모르는걸 깨닫는것이 시험의 한 과정인가요
최선을 다하려고 합니다
믿음을 쉽게 만들었어요
최선을 다하는건 당신을 믿기 때문이요
구름하나를 보고 하늘이라 생각했어요
새를 보고 날수 있다고 생각했어요
하지만 새에게 날개를 달아준건 당신이었죠
내게 손을 뻗어 방법을 가르쳐 주세요

당신이 저보다 지혜로우니까요...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

World Peace Festival 2011 in Berlin

Who would not support World Peace?!!!!

World peace events, Korea events, wake up young guys!

World peace events, korea events, wake up young guys!

I went by near Olympic Park (Mongchontoseong station #1, Seoul) and
I saw an amazing scene. World peace events!

Tons of people in front of "World Peace Gate".

People were holding their hands,
wishing there will be no more wars
as well as world peace.

Some made interesting pickets
such as "We want World Peace",
"Young men, move for peace"..etc.

Some people were holding skyblue balloon.

Mostly, they were young people,
but there were people of all ages.
They seems happy, enjoying the event,
and in good order.

I think it is a very good purpose
and I wish to participate this kind of
World peace events.

And I was very proud that this kind of
World peace events held in Korea.

I wish there will be more Korea events
like this.

♥ 올림픽공원 몽촌토성역 근처에 지나가다가
대규모 행사가 있는 것 같아 가까이 가보니
"세계평화"를 외치는 행사였습니다.

직접 만든 피켓을 들고, 질서 정연하게 손을 들고
있는 사람들의 모습은 행복하고도 즐거워 보였습니다.

♥ Féte de la paix en Corée du Sud

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Baby oil reviews : price, rating, actual review

According to,
You can find baby oil ranking.

Ranking categories are as follow ;
- Health
- Evironment
- Society

Among the list,
I bought Badger Baby oil at

Nice package (good if you plan to give gift)
nice price (15 US$)
but the smell is just like "Olive oil".
Moisturizing ability is pretty good.

I bought some other baby oils which are not on the above list.
- Hugo & Debra baby oil, Chamomile & Vanilla (118ml, 12 US$)
- Now foods jojoba oil (118ml, 12 US$)
and I am both satisfied with price and smell as well as moisturizing ability.

Safety video of Air New Zealand :)

If you are tired of stale safety video in the flight, check this out!
I wish people pay attention to this kind of safety training / education so that one can survive from accident, disaster, or catastrophe.

♥ 참신하고 재미있는 비행기 안전 교육을 통해 사람들이 안전에 대한 의식을 갖고,
사고나 재난이 일어나더라도 침착하게 잘 대처했으면 하는 바램입니다.

♥ A l'occasion de la sortie du film Le Hobbit le 12 décembre 2012, la compagnie aérienne néo-zélandaise Air New Zealand a réalisé une vidéo des consignes de sécurité avec les personnages de la Terre du Milieu. Pour info, le Seigneur des Anneaux et Le Hobbit ont été tournés en Nouvelle-Zélande.

Shing moment of my life

Sunny shining afternoon,
fresh air and breeze, 
bliss out with my baby :)

* 아이와 함께하는 오후,
내 삶의 반짝이는 순간 

* Les jours heureux
avec mon bebe

Monday, May 26, 2014

Peace symbol sculpture all over the world

<<Solar Peace Sign, New York City>>

     * image source :

     This giant Solar peace sign made of 80 metal oil barrels is bringing eco art to a groovy new level. Artist Fred George designed the sculpture to "sound a global alarm of our crisis of consumption" and call attention to our need for greener energy. In keeping with that message, each barrel that makes up the structure also has a solar panel attached to it. If all goes according to plan, the peace sign will be constructed in Madison Square Park in New York City, and other similar artpieces will appear in Shanghai, China and Saarbrücken, Germany.

<<Peace in our hands, Mexico>>

* Image source :

     Mexican Federation of University Women (FEMU) have had built in two different cities in Mexico. 

The scuptures were among 20 presented by the artist and FEMU member Glenda Hecksher to a cycle of round tables entitled "War and Peace, an analysis under the eye of art, lawful, history, diplomacy and politics". The round tables were organized by FEMU in conjunction with the Institute of Juridical Research; in the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The round tables involved people from different sectors: governmental, academic, social, diplomatic, people from NGO's. Some of them got in touch with our FEMU leaders and explained them their interest to make some of them into urban sculpture. FEMU arranged all the procedures in order to make it happen. 

One is named "Peace in our hands". The government authorities found a space for it in Mexico City, and it has been adopted by the Mexican Mouvement of Peace and Development (MOMPADE) as a national symbol of Peace.

                                       <<Peace above Religions, Mexico>>

* Image source :

     The other scultpture, a big fountain, was paid for by a citizen association and erected in Cuernavaca, Morelos. The name of this one is "Peace above Religions." The three sacred books are on top of a big sphere that represents either our world, our universe or ourselves. On top of everything is a big dove, the dove of peace that rotates with the wind.

                                  <<First Peace Monument, Mindanao>>

* Image source :

    Peace Movement , Barangay Sta. Maria, Zamboanga, Mindanao (Philippines). In front of Edwin Andrews Air Base. "Led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP). "At the dedication, one of the organizers said, "we commit to live in a new space for peace, peace within ourselves, peace among our neighbors, peace with nature & peace with our Great Provider." Local newspaper said this is "the first ever peace monument in the country... The 'First Peace Monument' was created by Tausug artist Pameer Tawasil[a Muslim]. It is shaped like a peace dove & hand extending peace." /// "Individuals, groups & institutions led by Peace Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ) & Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace (IRSMP) gathered  to unveil a peace monument. Fr. Angel Calvo, PAZ president, accompanied by Dr. Grace Rebollos, president of Western Mindanao State University (WMSU), & Prof. Ali Yacub, chairman of Golden Crescent Consortium of Peace Builders & Affiliates (GCCPBA) officially unveiled the first ever peace. 

                                    <<Monument to Humanity, Turkey>>

* Image source :

     Naif Alibeyoglu, a former mayor of Kars, Turkey, decided in 2006 to build a giant sculpture as a peace gesture from Turkey to Armenia. But opposition to the structure, led by Oktay Aktas, the local head of the Nationalist Action Party (MHP), prevailed. "Why is one figure standing with its head bowed, as if ashamed?" Aktas asked, despite the fact that both figures are standing entirely erect, implying that his native Turkey was submitting to Armenian powers. "Turkey has nothing to be ashamed of." Aktas vowed to destroy the monument saying, “I said I would smash the statue down with my own hands, and I will.”
His vow turned out to be unnecessary, as his group was able to halt the building, and, as of 2010, the 100-foot-tall sculpture still sits unfinished, surrounded by wooden scaffolding, with no plans to ever be completed. A hand sits in the gravel at the base of the sculpture and is the most photographed piece here, as it seems to represent the continuing struggle between the two countries. Called the "Hand of Friendship," the hand was meant to join the two human figures once completed.
Turkey's border with Armenia was closed in 1993 when Turkey broke off diplomatic ties, backing Azerbaijan in a dispute over a piece of land between the two countries at the time. Since, the two countries have continued to trade with each other, and their foreign ministers meet with some regularity. Divided for generations by a dispute over genocide in the early 20th century, relations between Turkey and Armenia have always been difficult.
It looks like the "Hand of Friendship" may remain empty for quite some time.

                                       <<Peace Monument, Jerusalem>>

* Image source :

     Peace Monument, Town Square, Ma'aleh Adummin, east of Jerusalem (Occupied West Bank). Opposite the  Ma'aleh Adummin mall ("Canion Adumim) which was opened in 1999. Large white dove with world globe between its wings. Ma'aleh Adummin is an illegal Israeil setttlement according to international law. Left image by EWL. Right image by Avishai Teicher via the PikiWiki - Israel free image collection project which says [Google translation] "The sculpture is Moses hatchet. (2004) sculpture called 'Keno the wake eagle chicks float' (Deuteronomy)." 

                                 <<Peace monument sydney olympic park>>

* Image source :

<<World Peace Gate, Korea>>

* Image source :

     World Peace Gate, Olympic Park, Seoul (South Korea). "Imposing steel frame and reinforced iron structure 24 meters high, 37 meters wide, and 62 meters in length" built for the 1988 Summer Olympic Games.


I am very proud of myself that I am actually DOING world's toughest job.

And I decided to write about daily infant care diary, precious moments with my baby,

and all about "PEACE" wishing my children live in peaceful world without war,

poverty, sadness...etc.

♥ 영상의 인터뷰와 같이
세상에서 가장 힘든 일,
"엄마"로서의 하루하루를 
보내고 있는 내 삶에 자부심을 느낀다.

엄마가 되고보니...
육아 일기와 더불어
우리 아이가 앞으로 살아갈 세상이
"평화"롭기를 바라는 마음이 간절하여
육아 정보와 함께 
평화에 관한 정보를 
포스팅 할 예정이다.

♥ Je suis maman et j'aimerais bian vous parler sur la PAIX.