Man Hee Lee HWPL + Peace leader
Pope Francis Korea visit is over and people are touched his speech and action toward sick and powerless people. According to articles, many tend to think about religious and peace which include myself. So I tried to find some other peace leaders who travel all over the world working for peace.
I found a leader named Man Hee Lee who actually solved religious conflict in Philippine last year. Man Hee Lee, the representative of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) has paid his third visit to Philippine and during his stay he has advised the Archbishop and three Bishops to sign a Peace Agreement at a Nunnery.
The purpose of Chairman Lee’s visit was to conclude the Peace Agreement which can lead to settle the conflict in the Mindanao region.
Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma (the diocese of Cagaya de Oro) has met Mr. Lee for the first time on September 2013 and ever since their meeting, he has continually invited the Chairman many times to pay a visit in Philippine and to respond, the Peace advocate has decided to travel despite the region’s tight vigilance.
World peace activist Chairman Lee hosted the Peace Walk in the downtown area of General Santos on January 24 where approximately 1,000 participants including students of Mindanao State University, members of International Youth Group, and religious leaders joined the event, transcending the boundaries of religion and nationality for the first time in this region.
This movement created a great sensation and hopes among the Filipinos, who yearn for peace and it initiated a wave of peace within international societies, media, and people.
After the Peace Walk, students of Mindanao State University, Youth Groups, Mayors, University professors, Catholic leaders and Islamic leaders, who had participated in the Peace Walk gathered in the conference room of a hotel located in downtown General Santos.
Speeches about conflict and the solution to peace in Mindanao Island were delivered in the following order: the representative of Catholic (Fernando Capalla, former archbishop of Mindanao Davao), the representative of Islam (Esmael, governor of Maguindanao, and Islamic autonomous district in Mindanao) and Chairman Man hee Lee.
The representatives of Catholic and Islam united to sign the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace and pledged to work together with Chairman Man hee Lee of HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light).
After signing the agreement, the representatives and Chairman Man Hee Lee held the Peace Agreement Ceremony announcing that Catholic and Islam will never have disputes again before God, people of the world, and approximately 150 participants.
Although there has been a Peace Agreement meeting hosted by Philippine government and Islam autonomous region on 2012, it could not bring the conclusion of peace. In fact, it was a very first time for a representative of peace organization from South Korea to host a Peace Agreement in Philippine and the world was astonished at the sight of the change of the nation, from death to life.
Philippine government did not hesitate to express the gratitude to the representative for his accomplishment and they opened a celebration to celebrate the memorable day.
After the Peace agreement between two religious leaders in Mindanao initiated
by Mr. Man Hee Lee, the government of the Philippines and Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) also signed a Peace Agreement.
According to local broadcasts, it has not only surprised people but has also
greatly inspired the citizens of the Philippine. Chairman Lee concluded a Peace
Agreement with Fidel Valdez Ramos, the former president of Philippine.
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