Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ban Ki Moon Speech, Planning to hold a conference of religious leaders

Ban Ki Moon Speech, Planning to hold a conference of religious leaders

International society requires the religious sector to unite to prevent the spread of extreme terrorist groups such as IS.

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is planning to hold a conference of religious leaders in UN General Assembly in the near future regarding the prevention of violent extremism.

The participants at the conference in Washington D.C. on February 19th came from the ministerial levels of 60 different countries.

The conference encouraged unity between religious groups to distinguish them from extremist Islamic terrorist groups.

Furthermore, both nations and religious groups must join together in the face of this issue.

The conference discussed a plan as a reaction to the IS threats and the other extreme violent terrorism occurring all over the world.

US President Obama emphasized that we are all in the same boat no matter what religion we belong to whether it is Judaism, Christianity or Islam so that we should unite all religions to defeat terrorist groups like the IS and to mutually overcome this sort of crisis.

ⓒ YTN News

The UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon said that this special event will send a message of unification and will promote the increased mutual understanding among religious leaders.

Within months, the first step of an action plan will take place that is geared towards preventing issues such as those regarding the IS or Boko Haram which relate to the latest terrorist crossing of the borders of countries and massively threatening the peace and security of international society.

Furthermore, he stressed that while extremism has the command of a strategy of hate, we shall try to face them with cool rationality, harmony and convergence to find peace instead of being dominated by fear.

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