[Peace Festival]Chairman Man Hee Lee found success with the Monument Memorial of Peace
◆ The Royal Bofokeng Kingdom Peace Festival received its inspiration from the Korean Peace Summit.
The Peace Festival was held at the Kingdom's Civic Center during the visit of Chairman Lee, IWPG leader Nam Hee Kim and the IPYG head Doo Hyun Kim to the Royal Bafokeng Kingdom of the Republic of South Africa on March 28th. This Kingdom's motto is "Let there be peace".
This Peace festival had been inspired by the World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit in Korea. Participating groups were made up of celebrities such as the royal family of the Bafokeng Kingdom, religious leaders, traditional leaders, current political leaders and citizens who all longed for world peace with one heart.
3월 28일 남아공 로얄 바포켕 왕국에선 이 대표와 김대표, IPYG 김두현 대표가 방문한 가운데 왕국 시민회관(Civic Center)에서 평화의 축제가 열렸다. 이 나라는 '평화가 있으리라(Let there be peace)'를 모토로 삼고 있다.
이번 축제는 우리나라에서 열린 종교대통합 만국회의로부터 영감을 받아 개최됐다. 이 자리에선 바포켕 왕국 로얄패밀리, 종교지도자, 부족지도자, 현 정치지도자, 시민 등 사회 각 분야 인사들이 참석해 세계 평화를 한마음으로 염원했다.
◆ Peace Agreement in the Bafokeng Kingdom and the enacted HWPL Day!
The Queen Mother, Her Majestry Mmemogolo Semane Molotlegi of the Royal Bafokeng Kingdom and Chairman Lee signed a peace agreement during this peace festival which began with a peace walk and the enactment of a new holiday to commemorate the work of HWPL every May 25th.
◆ 바포켕 왕국과 평화협정 .. 'HWPL의 날' 제정
평화걷기대회를 첫 순서로 시작된 이 평화의 축제에서 로얄 바포켕 왕국의 메모골로 세메인 몰로트레기(Her Majestry Mmemogolo Semane Molotlegi) 퀸 마더(왕대비)와 이만희 대표는 '평화협정'을 맺고, 매년 5월 25일 'HWPL의 날'로 제정하고 평화기념행사를 개최하기로 서약했다.
◆ Peace Monument Erected to celebrate the achievement of HWPL
In addition, the unveiling of the celebration for the peace achievements of the HWPL attracted the attention of many people.
On this day afternoon about 700 students from five different schools in the Royal Bafokeng Kingdom traveled to Lebone College during the conference to show their work on the program "Unity Beyond the Difference". The program was comprised of the bodies of the students. All participants where greatly impressed by the display of the students.
On this day afternoon about 700 students from five different schools in the Royal Bafokeng Kingdom traveled to Lebone College during the conference to show their work on the program "Unity Beyond the Difference". The program was comprised of the bodies of the students. All participants where greatly impressed by the display of the students.
◆ HWPL 업적 기리는 평화기념비 세워져 '화제'
HWPL의 평화업적을 기리는 제막식이 함께 진행 돼 눈길을 끌었다. 이날 오후 리본 칼리지(Lebone College)에선 로얄 바포켕 왕국 5개 학교, 700여명의 학생들이 '차이를 넘어 통합으로(Unity beyond the difference)'라는 주제로 그동안 준비해왔던 바디섹션을 선보여 참석자들에게 감동을 선사했다.
The Queen Mother gave letters of appreciation to Chairman Lee and the IWPG head Nam Hee Kim who have been putting in a lot of effort traveling the world to promote peace since 2012. Before this trip to South Africa, they have made sixteen journeys to stop war and promote world peace.
The Queen Mother said that she had received great inspiration from attending the last Peace Summit in Korea and said that she had prepared this event in hopes that real peace might come true.
퀸 마더는 또 세계평화와 전쟁종식을 위해 2012년부터 아프리카 방문 전까지 총 16차에 걸친 세계 순방등 많은 노력을 기울여온 이 대표와 김 대표에게 감사장을 수여했다.
퀸 마더는 "지난해 한국에서 열린 만국회의에 참석해 큰 감동을 받았다'면서 "진정한 평화가 오길 바라며 이번 행사를 준비했다"고 말했다.
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HWPL-Peace Festival |
HWPL members participating in the peace festival in the Bafokeng Kingdom of South Africa said the event possessed great meaningful since it was inspired by the 2014 Peace Summit in South Korea.
Organizations in a number of countries have joined the World Alliance of Religions and acknowledged its importance in creating an international law for the cessation of war according to HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee.
Lee also emphasized that political leaders as well as young people and students have actively joining the HWPL.
HWPL관계자는 "이번 남아공 만국회의와 바포켕 왕국의 평화 축제는 한국에서 열린 만국회의에서 영감을 받아 진행했다는 데 의미가 크다'면서 "수많은 국가가 HWPL 이만희 대표가 주창한 '전쟁종식을 위한 국제법 제정'과 '종교대통합'의 중요성을 인지하고 적극 동참하고 있다"고 말했다. 또"지도자들뿐만 아니라 청년.학생들도 HWPL의 평화행보에 적극 동참하고 있다"고 강조했다.
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