Sunday, September 18, 2016

HWPL Peace Festival 2016 ② Opening Ceremony, Parade and Entrance of the team

HWPL Peace Festival 2016 ② Opening Ceremony,

Parade and Entrance of the team

▲ Please click on the image for watch the Peace Festival

HWPL is hosting parades and other special events to celebrate the day of peace and from the looks of it, there are many people who are watching the parade today~~

HWPL host parades and other special event to celebrate the day. The parade was a work of art and very well organized! It felt like a movie was being projected as the images were so elegant and beautiful.

The parade proceeded with various themes, countries’ national flowers, world traditional dances, royal procession, language masks, etc. Each performer dressed in a variety of costumes and colors according to their theme, and performed various acts like going around the tracks, while the spectators stood up from their seats and danced.

With all the performances and different branches of HWPL entering the stadium, there was a true inspiration that peace can be possible despite the different places we live.

Truly truly, the parade was the most unforgettable moment when watching peace festival.

In order for peace to become a reality, all wars must cease. All of us need to be ambassadors of peace in order to end war in the world.

Becoming a messenger of peace starts within each one of us which means we all need to work as one in order to achieve peace together!

▲ Please click on the image ; HWPL Introductory Video 

HWPL has two great supports which are IWPG & IPYG. And with those supporters, HWPL takes the lead in world peace movement.

A number of achievements which astonished world became front page news. Also, it became headline new daily in major broadcasting company.

I’m always cheering for HWPL.  I will be supporting until the day the whole world is at peace.

World peace is everyone's dream. Let's make dream come true by praticing cessation of war.

The difference outcomes when comparing activities between HWPL and other peace act organization

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