A well-known Israeli politician and parliament member has branded Palestinians as terrorists, saying mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the ongoing Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip.
Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes."
"They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists," Shaked said, adding, "They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”The remarks are considered as a call for genocide as she declared that all Palestinians are Israel's enemies and must be killed.
The development comes as many officials from various countries have slammed Israel's airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. The Turkish prime minister is the latest to condemn the offensive, accusing Israel of massacring the Palestinians.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has lashed out at Israel, saying it is committing state terrorism against the Palestinians in the region. Speaking in parliament, he also questioned the world’s silence toward Tel Aviv’s ongoing atrocities.
Reacting to Shaked's remarks, the Turkish premier said Israel's policy in Gaza is no different than Hitler's mentality.
"An Israeli woman said Palestinian mothers should be killed, too. And she's a member of the Israeli parliament. What is the difference between this mentality and Hitler's?" Erdogan asked.
The developments come as the UN agency for Palestinian refugees has recently said women and children make up a sizeable number of Palestinian fatalities caused by Israeli attacks on the besieged region.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=72a_1405569841#GFQmLljwisIaKV86.99
* 이스라엘의 아일렛 새이크(38·Ayelet Shaked) 의원은 최근 자신의 페이스북에 “팔레스타인 사람들은 실질적으로 모두 다 테러리스트”라고 적었다.
이 글은 이란 PRESS TV가 보도하며 전세계적으로 확산됐다.
해당 글을 접한 전세계 누리꾼들은 충격과 함께 분노를 감추지 못했다.
누리꾼들은 SNS와 PRESS TV 뉴스 게시판 등에 “그녀는 히틀러보다 더 무섭고 잔인하다” “여성이, 그녀도 한 아이의 엄마일텐데 이런 무서운 말을 입에 담다니 충격 그 자체다” “또 다른 나치의 재림이다” “사람이길 포기한 발언이다” “이스라엘이야 말로 테러리스트다. 인종학살을 멈춰라”라며 비난을 쏟아냈다.
터키 총리 레제프 타이이프 에르도안도 “이스라엘 의회의 의원이라는 여자가 팔레스타인 어머니를 살해해야 한다고 말했다. 그런 사고와 히틀러와의 차이점은 무엇인가?”라며 충격을 금치 못했다.
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