Thursday, June 5, 2014

Emmanuel Kelly X Factor + Peace song

Who can't be touched by Emmanuel Kelly's story and his song? It is contradicting?! or pair?! to mention "War" when  we talk about "Peace". An abandon survivor of Iraq warfare now sing a peace song.

Emmanuel was born in Iraq at a war zone and abandoned by his parents. He  was raised at an orphanage run by the Mother Theresa nuns before being rescued by his current mother Moira Kelly and brought to Australia for life changing surgery.

Emmanuel has melted the hearts of millions around the world in the audition of X Factor. Hel’s YouTube video received over 12 million views; in 6 months he generated an amazing 50 million hits, today Emmanuel is estimated to have over 100 to 150 million views all over YouTube. 

Emmanuel is not looking for sympathy for his damaged limbs. He said “I have actually been through nothing compared to some of the other kids I have met.” Emmanuel’s sheer passion for singing, for life, for ‘dreaming big’ in the face of HUGE obstacles is a much needed message for our troubled times. It is a message with mass appeal that transcends boarders, boundaries, countries, cultures and religions.

 In a world consumed with all too often insignificant worries or stress, Emmanuel is an immediate wake-up call with the innate ability to touch, move and inspire young and old alike to their very core.

In Emmanuel’s words; “I may not have the greatest voice or looks but I do have a passion and that is to sing and sing for the world. My dream is to make people smile through my music, and to show young kids that it is ok to strive for your dreams, my ultimate dream is to become the first artist who is different to be recognised in the pop world, so then I can show young teens and also the older generations around the world, that it is never to late to dream big and it doesn’t matter what you look like, what religion you are, or where your from, you can still achieve your dreams!! At the end of the day we are all born with gifts and talents, mine is to inspire through my words, to make people smile, dream, imagine, achieve and to be passionate through my music, and finally to never give up!!


This is my Moto

* Refefence :

♥ Kelly, candidat de l'émission X Factor en Australie, a touché le jury de l'émission avec son interprétation du tube de John Lennon, Imagine, et son histoire touchante : le jeune homme, handicapé, a été adopté en Irak.

♥ 이라크 전쟁 당시 팔과 다리를 다쳐 장애아가 된 임마뉴엘 켈리가 X Factor라는 오디션 프로그램에서 부른 평화에 관한 노래는 너무나 감동적이다. 그의 아픔과 전쟁 등을 희망으로 노래하는 모습과 그가 겪어온 이야기는 새삼 전쟁과 평화에 대해 진지하게 생각해본다. 전쟁과 평화...참 상반되는 단어인데, 평화를 얘기하려고 하면 늘 그림자처럼 따라다니는 존재가 바로 전쟁이 아닌가싶다.


  1. I wish I can read more abour peace~^^

  2. I support Emmanuel Kelly~~!!!^^

    1. Wow good to hear that :) I just knew about him and I was very touched.
